The Human
Spirit: Good deeds day
Feb. 28, 2013
Let's do Passover shopping on March 5. We might
find fellow shoppers a little more considerate.
With the approach of Good Deeds Day – March 5 in Israel, March 10
abroad – I've been thinking about this growing global project to pump
up the good in the world.
The first Good Deeds Day originated in Israel in 2007. Most of the Good
Deeds activity is still focused here, but activities have spread to a
few dozen other countries. Unlike most campaigns, the pledges solicited
on the website aren't for money.
Instead, you commit to a good deed – even a minimally invasive one.
There's a list of suggestions, ranging from the nearly effortless "give
a LIKE to a cause on Facebook," to the slightly harder "hold the door
open for a stranger" or "allow a stranger in a rush to go ahead in
line," to the more challenging acts of adopting a pet from a shelter or
volunteering for a charity walk.
I've logged on to the Good Deeds site many times, and it's always
flooded with new pledges. For instance: Jacqueline Melzer of Madera,
California, has pledged to take items to a local food pantry. Valeria
Blancket of Torreon, Mexico, says she'll make someone laugh. Glen
Pearson of Rainy River, Ontario, promises he'll carry a reusable bag
for shopping. Karen Edwards of Boonville, Indiana, will donate blood,
and Abhay Singh Yadav of Kurokshetra, India will be courteous on the
HERE IN Israel, most of the pledges have come from companies or groups,
although there are individual commitments, too. My friend Racheli will
cut her long hair on March 5 and donate it for a wig for cancer
patients. But most of the more than 370,000 men and women who have
signed up for good deeds will be joining more than 5,000 projects,
often taking time off from work with the encouragement of their
President Shimon Peres and his office will lead the effort by bringing
fun, such as games and arts and crafts, to the men- tally and
physically challenged children of Shalva, a therapeutic center in
Jerusalem. In Migdal Ha'emek, Ethiopian newcomers and veteran Israelis
will join in mutual cooking lessons, sharing trade secrets for ethnic
dishes. The kibbutzniks at Netiv Ha'asara near the Gaza border are
replanting a garden for the soldiers who guard them. Kibbutz kids will
decorate the protective wall with mosaics. Arab and Jewish teens in
Lod's tough Rakevet neighborhood will spruce up the public areas around
the railroad tracks. The funds for paint, brushes and buckets will come
from Shari Arison, the Israeli businesswoman and philanthropist who
initiated Good Deeds Day.
Doing good deeds is heralded in Judaism. Although the phrase "to do a
mitzva" derives from the language of following a Divine commandment,
it's the volunteer aspect of the good deed that feels so good. But it's
not as simple as it sounds. The late Rabbi Shlomo Wolbe, author of Alei
Shor , and a major modern exponent of the character-building sys- tem
called mussar , explains that when you do something nice for others, it
pleases them, but it also generates an uncomfortable feeling of
obligation. You should go out of your way to make sure the recipient
doesn't feel beholden – not to the point of prevarication – but to
For instance (to the charity book shop): "Thank you for taking these
books off my hands – my shelves were breaking."
Or: "I'm so glad to help put up your succa; my gym membership ran out
and I don't get the exercise I need."
You get the idea.
The smaller the commitment, the more likely you are to fulfill it.
Hence, the web- site's limited suggestions (you are free to create your
own) are not to be scorned.
Some of the examples of good deeds on the site have to do with changing
habits, like smiling and eating. Following Rabbi Wolbe's lead, I would
recommend that those who pledge not commit "to eat healthy" or "smile
all day long." To make changes, start very small. Smile at a stranger
three times on Good Deeds Day.
Choose whole wheat-bread instead of white for your sandwich.
One should be doing good deeds all the time, of course, but sometimes
we're too busy or too annoyed to step aside and let someone else get
ahead of us in the line on parent-teacher conference night at the local
school. We might get the little extra incentive needed for the task,
like bring- ing last decade's winter coat to a shelter, if it's part of
a greater effort. I'm all for any- thing external that will goad me
into overcoming my resistance.
The annual event is scheduled to fall two weeks before Passover, in
keeping with the holiday's national energy of fixing and cleaning, as
well as the celebration of freedom. True freedom means being your best
possible self.
HERE'S AN example of a small good deed that had a positive effect on me
I knew I was risking a hyperactive supermarket experience last
Thursday, when pre-Purim shoppers met pre- Shabbat shoppers in the
lines in one of Jerusalem's supermarkets for the religiously inclined.
It was the perfect storm. There wasn't a shopping cart left, so I
carried my purchases in the recyclable (yes, Glen Pearson – also here
in Jerusalem) shoulder bags I'd brought. By the time I got in one of
the many long lines of piled-high shopping carts, my own shoulder bags
were heavy. I put them down with a sigh.
Two tots were fooling around, running from line to line, and knocked
the con- tents out. Their father didn't apologize or refill them. I
wasn't pleased, despite the booming music about the Hebrew month of
Adar being the month of joy.
Then two teenaged English-speaking girls pulled up behind me with their
cart, filled with ingredients to make pretty Purim food gifts, mishloah
manot presents for the families that were hosting them this year. I
overheard them talking about it. They'd rejected the ready-made stuff
in favor of putting together their personalized presents. In their
wagon was a bottle of wine – exactly the kind I'd forgotten to buy,
although it was on my mental list.
There was no way I was going to relinquish my place in line, or leave
my bags unattended. Wine is kept in the very back of this huge,
congested store. We had a long time to wait.
"I forgot to get that wine," I said to one of the girls. Without
missing a beat, she asked how many I wanted. She was off in a dash to
get me two bottles. Her good deed changed the entire experience for me.
I didn't mind waiting. I liked the music.
I didn't get her name, but learned that she's a student from Brooklyn,
on a one- year program at a seminary called P'ninim. I checked out the
website and saw that the goal of this school is self-development,
called "Person's Training," and that it aims to inspire students to
appreciate anew what they have always learned from parents and teachers
(kudos!). For me, the ideas dovetailed with Good Deeds Day.
I have a feeling that every day is a Good Deeds Day for this lovely
girl. Nonetheless, most of us can use a boost.
So here's a recommendation. Let's do Passover shopping on March 5. We
might find fellow shoppers a little more considerate. Or even better,
we might find our- selves offering that harried Mom with the crying
baby our turn in line.